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Many fail and block their own blessings by worrying abouth the success, journey, and ideas of others. Instead of investing their time within cultivating and appreciating their own greatness. they sit still feeling threatened, or rush into new things in order to compete, out of fear of being left behind or out done. Some even stand in the way of others, or intentionally withhold information, with misguided belief that it somehow slows others down. Yet the only person they harm is themselves - be it a lost network or contact, a future competitor who will no longer consider them after the negative experience, or a door that will be closed in their face (Karma). So let me tell you this... YOU ARE THE ARCHITECT OF YOUR OWN FAILURE AND/OR SUCCESS What you think, becomes your reality. If you think someone is better than you, you in turn lessen yourself to support this belief.The same goes for fear of being left behind and failure... you create it.. Say it with me... "THERE IS ENOUGH FOR ME, FOR YOU, FOR THEM... I SUBSCRIBE TO AN ABUNDANCE MINDSET." With that said, I am wishing you a blessed and productive day ahead; one that truly exceeds all expectations. From Novena-Chanel, The Equilibrium Coach® - The Mind, Body, Spirit, Life Practitioner™ - #counsellor #psychotherapist #lifecoach #nutritionaladvisor #reikimaster #EquilibriumCups #theequilibriumcoach #personaldevelopment #thelawofattraction #movewithlife #mumprenuer #mumpreneurmovement #thegoalarchitect #abundance #abundancemindset #successmindset #business #life  

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