Vegan food share with a dose of Self-Care
#Vegan lunchtime at Cafe Van Gogh.
Delicious sticky 'ribs' of seitan, with a side of creamy mash potato and roasted Butternut Squash, and a dose of Self-Care. Dessert was an Oreo truffle 😋 When was the last time you took yourself off for a lunchtime treat? A part of our Self-Care is enjoying moments with ourselves, doing something kind, nice, or supportive of our self. Yesterday, before all the Holiday shopping for others, I spent some time looking after myself, first. Remember, an empty cup serves no one. Xx PS, Who said Vegans eat Rabbit food? 🙄😋. #veganfoodshare #plantbasedeating #Plantbased #nutritionaladvisor #eatingforyourhealth #plantbasedfoodideas #theequilibriumcoach #novenachanel #healthyliving #YogaTeacher #theequilibriumcoach #Vegandessert