BE HIS/HER ISLAND. No relationship is easy, but... No relationship should be the death of you, either mentally, emotionally, physically or spiritually. IT TAKES TWO PEOPLE, WITH CLEAR AGREED GOALS, WHO ARE WILLING AND ACTIVELY PULLING THEIR WEIGHT, AND EACH OTHER'S, FOR INTERDEPENDENCE AND SUCCESS. Rather than focusing on all the things you will not and can not be to him/her, focus on taking a Doctorate in your partner, truly learning him/her, so you can... Be Her/His Anti-depressant. Be His/Her Anti-anxiety. Be His/Her Go-go Person. Be His/Her Protein Shake. Be His/Her Antibiotic. Be His/Her Nourishment. Be His/Her Study Buddy. Be His/Her Cheerleader. Be His/Her Comforter. Be His/Her Endorphins. Be His/Her Teacher. Be His/Her Student. Be His/Her Island. Be His/Her Peace. I AM TAKING A COURSE IN YOU. XxxX
And if all else fails...
Be their joy and laughter 😋😄.
Remember to laugh and have fun with the one you love. Laughter and joy is a love potion in itself.
With that said, I am wishing you all a blessed and productive day ahead; one that truly exceeds all expectations, and fills you with that interdependent love we all thrive within. From Novena-Chanel Davies, The Equilibrium Coach - The Goal Architect to Mind, Body, Spirit, Life Balance® __ Copyright © 2018. Novena-Chanel Davies. All Rights Reserved.